Thursday, September 06, 2007


We, young progressives from Southeast Asia,
Affirming the fundamental ideals of democracy and equality,
Promoting regional cooperation and solidarity among Southeast Asian youth,
Advocating for the youth’s meaningful participation in national and regional bodies,
Asserting the crucial role of the youth in shaping the future of the region and world,
Do ordain and promulgate this constitution.

The Founding of YPSEA

Beginning from year 2004 the Friedrich-Ebert – Stiftung (FES) Philippine Office explored and sought to reaffirm through the series of regional seminars of young progressive in Southeast Asia. The aim was to gather like-minded “progressive” who either as young politicians, members of political parties, activists in social movements, NGO workers or media practitioners actively engage their institutions into this regional group. After two year of drafting constitution and preparation, YPSEA is officiated on 10 June 2006 at Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

About Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia known as the “highway of conquerors” to mean that this is where more than many other regions in the world, external forces have had a determinant impact on. When the countries in the region began the process of decolonization, groups occupying the margins of Southeast Asian political discourse, which include the women, the economically disadvantaged and the young, have slowly began articulating their voices, albeit in incremental steps.

Political participation is essential for an efficient and emerging democracy. It is, therefore, of prime importance to involve the young generation in politics to gain new insights and implement changes.

Countries in Southeast Asia: The Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Mymmar (or Burma), Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei & Timor Leste.

YPSEA Membership
Khmer Youth Association (KYA)

Indonesia Movement (Pergerakan Indonesia (PI))
Serjata Kartini (SEKAR)

Democratic Action Party Socialist Youth (DAPSY)
Malaysia Youth and Students Democratic Movement (DEMA)
Progressive and Democratic Youth Movement (PRODEM)

The Philippines
Akbayan! Citizen’s Action Party Youth Wing(Akbayan Youth)
Movement for the Advancement of Student Power (MASP)
Student Councils Alliance of the Philippine (SCAP)

Student Federation of Thailand (SFT)
Young People for Democracy Coordination Center (YDCC)

Objectives – The network aims to:

Provide a regional platform to facilitate the exchange of ideas, strengthening of unities, and development of strategies for progressive youth organizations and activists to advance democratization in Southeast Asia;

Facilitate the development of skills and strengthen the capabilities of young people and progressive youth organizations to effectively engage in political processes in their respective countries and in the region;

Establish and maintain solidarity ties among progressive young people in the region;

Provide a platform for progressive politics and youth participation at the national and regional levels; and

Be a venue for the convergence of efforts and forces for collective action.

YPSEA official blog
YPSEA Executive 2006-2008:
Wilson Requez : (SCAP, The Philippines)
Jenice Lee Ying-Ha: (DAPSY, Malaysia)
Tarn Kodchawan : (YDP, Thailand)

Regional Seminars

Regional Seminar Of Young Progressive Southeast Asia
Political Participation And Young People:
“Making Young Voices Heard”
13-15 October 2004
Discovery Centre
ADB Ave, Ortigas Center,
Pasig City, Philippines

2nd Regional Seminar Young Progressive Southeast Asia
“Young People shaping Democracy”
1-3 August 2005
Hotel Santika Jakarta
Jl. AIPDA K.S. Tubun No.7, Slipi
Jarkata, Indonesia

3rd Regional Seminar For Young Progressive Southeast Asia
“Young People Shaping Globalization”
25-27 October 2005
Discovery Centre
ADB Ave., Ortigas Center,
Pasig City, Philippines

4th Regional Seminar For Young Progressive Southeast Asia
“Reclaiming Democracy In Southeast Asia – Defining The Task Of Young Progressives”
8-10 June 2006
Hotel Phnom Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

5th Regional Seminar For Young Progressive Southeast Asia
“Helping Build Gender-Fair Democracies :
Young People Working For Gender Equality in Progressive Politics”
16-19 June 2007
Awana Resort,Genting Highland,

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